Sustainable success through
the power of synergy
With the desire to promote resource recovery and regeneration, VSD is determined to become a leading investor in the region. We believe that by creating synergy among investments, we will bring economic benefits and contribute to a sustainable future of development.
Environmental Service
Waste management/consulting/planning
As an environmentally conscious company, we offer a range of crucial services that help to mitigate the negative effects of waste on the environment. These services include waste management and recycling, environmental consulting and planning, and innovative "waste to energy" projects.

Through these initiatives, we are committed to making a positive impact on the planet.
Renewable Energy
Hydropower, Wind & Solar Energy

VSD recognizes the importance of investing in renewable energy to promote sustainability and reduce our environmental footprint. Our portfolio includes ownership of over 10 hydroelectric power plants and several wind/solar energy projects in Vietnam. Through these investments, we are committed to creating a more sustainable future and reducing our reliance on non-renewable energy sources.

Environmental Treatment Works/Waste to Energy Plants/Industrial-Civil Works

VSD provides the critical infrastructure needed to address today's pressing environmental challenges. By leveraging our expertise in construction and engineering, we are able to create sustainable solutions that reduce waste, conserve resources, and mitigate the impacts of climate change.

Our commitment to excellence in project management, safety, and quality ensures that each project we undertake is delivered on time, on budget, and to the highest standards of environmental responsibility.

Resort & Hotel
Sustainable Tourism
Our invested resort operates with a focus on sustainable tourism, which is aligned with VSD's mission. All activities are conducted with a commitment to minimizing negative impacts on the environment, respecting local culture, and contributing to the well-being of the local community.

By promoting the development of sustainable tourism, we aim to protect the environment and support sustainable economic development in the local community.
Our perspective is that the manufacturing sector is one that creates surplus value by producing real goods at genuine prices, which in turn generates long-term sustainable value for both businesses and society.

With this in mind, VSD Holdings has invested a significant portion of its funds in the manufacturing sector, focusing initially on the production of bicycles and aluminum billets from recycled materials
Achieving together, lasting forever - Transforming businesses and industries through enduring collaboration

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